Closer to a DARPA Nightmare

I have long been concerned that there is so much research and development going on under the radar. Most people dont know and wouldnt care about such research. Some might even welcome it as a way to improve themselves. While I consider myself a man of science and an enlightened person, I am suspicious of what is going on in the range of topics related to AI, cloning, robotics etc. To wit, the article below. DARPA is a government R&D agency that will likely lead to the destruction of mankind, one way or another, intentionally or not.

I wrote the following many years ago and still believe it to be a potential scenario. While the immediate political environment might be of concern to some, the long-term danger of unchecked science has more potential danger. DARPA long ago put out bids for “autonomous fighting machines.” Guess what those are? My take on it (feel free to share): “I have seen the coming days of doom. On the eighth day, man created monsters. On the ninth day, the monsters devoured man. And on the tenth day there was silence and the silence was forever.”

Have a nice day.


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